
Some of the best memories you'll have at Alfred University will come from living in one of our residence halls, 你会在哪里认识新朋友, 遇到新想法, 克服分歧,发展长久的友谊.

Alfred University is a residential institution with a six semester on-campus housing requirement. We believe that residence hall living is a key component of a student-centered educational experience where academic learning is integrated with student development.


位于…的主要楼层 巴特利特大厅
电话: 607-871-2186
电子邮件: 居住生活


Alfred University offers students several distinct living styles and communities. All residence halls are co-ed, either by floor or by room/suite/apartment (same gender in room). 浴室被指定为男性或女性,在某些情况下是中性的. 我们提供多种住宿选择:

  • 传统的走廊式房间
  • 适合小团体的套房和公寓
  • 单人房
  • Living-Learning社区
    • 一年级社区 Barresi,男女同校,就餐和运动设施方便
    • 上层阶级的高木屋式生活 乔尔的房子,男女同校
    • LEED认证 安的房子 (三年级/四年级)有壮观的校园景色,男女同校
    • 环境研究中心 为符合学术要求的学生(上层阶级),男女同校
    • 延长安静研究 大炮按楼层分为男女混合班和男女混合班
    • 希勒尔的房子 为我们的犹太社区,男女同校
    • 荣誉的房子 为渴望校外生活的优等生提供住宿
    • Unique, immersive living/learning for upper classes fulfilling a language requirement at 现代语言学院,男女同校
    • 联合之家位于 莫斯科维茨,鼓励文化表达和自我表达

在线赌博是一个无烟校园. 任何人不得在宿舍内任何地方吸烟, 建筑, 休息室, 进入的方式, 或者立即在任何设施外. If you are a smoker, you must be 25 feet from any building on campus to smoke.


  • 房间分配
  • 电脑艳遇
    All halls are wired for internet access with two ports in each double and wireless access in all rooms.
  • 有线电视
    每个房间都提供有线连接. 传统的走廊式大厅在休息室设有电视供社区使用. You are encouraged to discuss with your roommate who will bring the TV for your room. Suites and apartments offer cable hook-up both in the individual rooms and the common living area.
  • 家具
    • 床,床垫,梳妆台,书桌,桌椅和壁橱空间提供.
      • 你应该带:
        • 床单(超长双张)
        • 床垫垫
        • 一盏台灯
        • 一个废纸篓
        • 一个电话
    • 由于防火和没有储存空间, you are not permitted to remove any furniture from their assigned student room, 包括床架和床垫. 水床是不允许的.
  • 存储
    存储 is not available on campus during the academic year or throughout the summer. 校外也有一些 附近的储存设施 学生们可以研究一下.



  • 身份证照片/驾照
  • 社会保障卡
  • 出生证明正本(勤工俭学用)
  • 保险卡片
  • 护照
  • 支票簿/ ATM /借记卡
  • 个人带锁的箱子
  • 房东的保险


  • 超长双床单(所有校园床垫都需要)
  • 毛毯/羊毛围巾
  • 床垫
  • 枕头(s) /枕套(s)
  • 浴巾(s) /毛巾(s)


  • 洗涤剂(HE但不含豆荚)
  • 织物软化剂/烘干机床单
  • 洗衣袋或篮子
  • 熨斗(自动关闭)
  • 小熨衣板
  • 染色棒/颜色捕捉器
  • 干燥器
  • 衣架


  • 扫帚拖把/真空
  • 清洁湿巾
  • 喷雾清洁剂
  • 纸巾
  • 垃圾袋
  • 洗碗精/海绵
  • 洗碗巾(s)


  • 闹钟
  • 带指示灯的咖啡机 & 自动关机
  • 台灯(不含卤素)
  • 紧凑型冰箱(800瓦)
  • 微波(800瓦)
  • 电视
  • 耳塞和耳机
  • 带有指示灯的精油扩散器 & 自动关机


  • 急救箱
  • 数字温度计
  • 处方药
  • 非处方过敏/感冒/流感药物
  • 洗手液
  • 5-7可重复使用的口罩
  • 消毒剂喷雾/湿巾


  • Soap /沐浴露
  • 洗发水/护发素
  • 牙刷/粘贴 & 牙线
  • 护发产品
  • 吹风机(不超过800瓦)
  • 卷发/熨斗自动关闭
  • 化妆品
  • 洗漱用品
  • 人字拖/淋浴鞋
  • 伞/雨具
  • 寒冷天气穿戴(外套、帽子、手套、靴子)
  • 太阳镜、防晒霜


  • 小垃圾桶
  • 组织
  • 浴垫
  • 白板/公告板
  • 零食
  • 食物贮存容器
  • 小地毯
  • 镜子
  • 修理/针线包
  • 床下储物盒或壁橱组织者
  • 家的回忆/照片/海报
  • 手电筒和电池
  • 电池供电的串灯
  • 炊具/餐具/开罐器
  • 菜/杯
  • 切肉板 & 厨房刀具
  • 粉丝


  • 背包
  • 电脑/笔记本电脑/充电器
  • 台灯/灯泡
  • 打印机(非无线)/纸张
  • u盘/外置硬盘
  • 字典/同义词典
  • 规划师/日历
  • 索引卡
  • 笔用
  • 便利贴
  • 订书机/斯台普斯
  • 磁带
  • 钢笔/铅笔/卷笔刀
  • 笔记本/绑定/文件夹/纸
  • 剪刀
  • 统治者
  • 计算器



  • 空调
  • 蜡烛/取暖器
  • 烟花/炸药
  • 空间加热器
  • 卤素灯
  • 香/圣人
  • 电熔蜡装置
  • 插入香味油加热器
  • 挂毯/旗帜/窗帘/其他悬挂织物
  • 武器(包括气枪、大刀、弹簧刀)
  • 宠物(鱼缸里的鱼不超过10加仑)
  • 非法毒品/用具
  • 酒精/用具
  • 开式线圈电器(烤面包机/烤箱、电炉等)
  • 个人家具(蒲团、水床、个人床、沙发、椅子等)
  • 电热毯
  • 延长线/电源线
  • 无线路由器
  • 插件串灯/抖音灯
  • 室友作业
  • 室友选择
    一年级学生通常与其他一年级学生结对, and transfers are assigned either with other transfers or continuing students. 具体的室友可以要求, 然而, 每个人都必须通过在线过程指示指示对方. 如果只有一个学生提出要求,比赛将不被接受.
  • 空间的变化
    只有在课程开始两周后才能更改房间. Residents who wish to change rooms must file a Room Transfer Request with their Resident Director.

Alfred University is committed to providing reasonable and appropriate accommodations for individuals with disabilities. All housing accommodation requests are determined on a case-by-case basis, with the 学业成功中心 serving as a liaison between individuals with documented disabilities and the Office of Residential Communities.


请浏览我们的 校外生活 页面,了解更多有关资格要求和资源.

We encourage our graduate students to become involved and enjoy our living and learning environment. Please contact the Office of 居住生活 for graduate student housing options. We will ask you to complete the 研究生住房 Application (available upon request) if you are interested in our housing options when you contact us.

  • 早到
    你必须遵循开业到达时间表. First-year and transfer students must attend orientation and follow the prescribed move-in schedule provided to them. Continuing students move into their residence halls beginning on a separate prescribed date. 季前赛的田径活动由教练组安排, who will notify student athletes of their required return date (specific to each team).
  • 医疗或残疾设施
    Students with special needs who wish to request accommodations should contact the 学业成功中心的二楼 赫里克图书馆,或致电 607-871-2148. Information regarding disabilities or medical needs will remain confidential and will only be divulged with your knowledge and permission.
  • 单人房
    Available on an extremely limited basis for first-year students and transfers and are usually limited to medical or disability accommodations.
  • 汽车
    所有学生在注册后都可以在校园里有车 非盟公共安全. 在校注册证明必须随时在车内显示.


居住生活 has partnerships with several reputable service companies offering benefits to Alfred's residential students.


GradGuard的创新 保险和学生福利计划, 包括他们市场领先的学费和租房者保险计划, are available to select colleges and universities nationwide including Alfred University. GradGuard是Next Generation Insurance Group LLC的一项服务, 持牌保险生产商, and a national specialty insurance marketing platform that enables consumers to easily enroll and secure the next generation of insurance protections they need to overcome unexpected financial losses related to specific life-stages. GradGuard can be selected during the housing application/selection time with ease. It is not mandated but highly recommended that all students have some insurance to protect their items as Alfred University is not at fault for damage to personal property.


在线赌博的所有床位都是双人床. 虽然超长床单在商店有售,但我们与 Dormify to provide you with the option of ordering linen sets along with other potential items students may use through the mail. 宿舍将为您提供高品质的亚麻布, 超长床单, and a warranty for the lifetime of a students experience in college mailed to your home or on-campus address.


Transporting and carrying a fridge in the car and then up and down stairs is a pain. 把这个留给团队吧 MicroFridge. MicroFridge rents units to Alfred University Students and delivers them before classes start in the fall and picks them up after classes end in May. 持续租赁者可享受折扣. These units also have life saving technology that detect if smoke has started in the microwave and will automatically turnoff. 这些单位是由纽约州消防局长批准的. Talk to your roommates about splitting the cost of a Micro fridge for the upcoming school year!


不管你是回家过暑假还是出国留学 宿舍搬运工 会帮你保管好东西,所以你不需要动一根手指. Spend your time hanging out with your friends, studying or doing anything other than moving! 如果你需要的话,我们也可以寄几盒回家. 运输您的物品无需存储? Packing supplies are distributed via UPS then everything is shipped where you need it via UPS with $100 coverage per item.

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